Learning To Connect

The new issue of STAND arrived in my mailbox today!

“Learning To Connect,” the last essay in my fatherhood-as-learning series in STAND Magazine, appears in print here. It tackles isolation, forming male friendships in adulthood, and the examples we set for our kids.

My deepest thanks to STAND Editor-in-Chief Dwayne D. Hayes for providing a regular place for my reflections during the past year. Solidarity, my friend.

Buy the issue here.

“Her Weight Is His” now available in Spanish translation

I’m delighted to share that my flash fiction story “Her Weight Is His” (first published in KYSO Flash) is now available in Spanish translation as “Su carga es la de él,” translated by Susana Cejas of Susurros Chinos in Córdoba, Argentina.

You can read “Su carga es la de él” online.

The translation also appears in print in the new Susurros Chinos anthology of flash translations, Instantáneas de ficción: Selección de microcuentos.

My thanks to Cecilia de la Vega, Susana Cejas, and Susurros Chinos for caring for the story in translation!

Learning To Forgive the Man I Don’t Want To Be

Issue 09 of STAND Magazine is officially out in the world, and it includes my essay “Learning To Forgive the Man I Don’t Want To Be.”

Learning To ForgiveThis is the most vulnerable piece of fatherhood writing I’ve done. I dug deep for this one and hope it helps others.

As ever, I deeply appreciate the continuous support of Editor-in-Chief Dwayne D. Hayes and everyone at STAND.

Order a print copy at STAND Magazine.