Tag Archives: music

Poem: “Medusa In the Cistern” (2011)

How long
can you hold your breath?

Two minutes?
Two thousand years?

The city sits
upon your neck—

so still

in drinking water—

now a nutrient

feeding grand machines.
Modern industry rushing
past your memory,

fragment of nostalgia
that you are;


as you are.

Published as lyrics for GODHEADSCOPE’s Patience EP, 2011.

Poem: “Forget To Grieve” (2014)

I still lie on my side of the bed.
The dog still curls
in the place she curled
when she curled behind your legs.

Her ears stand up at every sound and
my heart leaps to meet you.

I am aching for the day
I forget to grieve.

The column of moonlight
from the window over the bed
illuminates every speck of dust;
every memory overhead.

Every moment I think of you
is a moment I won’t sleep.

I am aching for the day
I forget to grieve.

I still lie on my side of the bed.
The dog still curls
in the place she curled
when she curled behind your legs.

You were the reason I looked ahead.
Now the future haunts my dreams.

I am aching for the day
I forget to grieve.

Published as lyrics for Cindervoice’s Forget To Grieve single, 2014.

Poem: “Room Of Light” (2007)

Floor. Ceiling.
Walls of light.

My shadow
  into my skin.

My shape
  is lost
  to my eye.

Floor. Ceiling.
Walls of light.

A motherless,
  point of shadow—

  the memory of sleep,

I am behind the metal door.
My spirit springs to your eye.

Published as lyrics for GODHEADSCOPE’s A City Out Of Sight LP, 2007.

Poem: “Cinders In the Throat” (2010)

There are many voices
inflected in your own:
every intonation
an echo.
Notes shedding their ashes;
cinders in the throat.
Something long forgotten
now glows.

There are many voices
harnessed through your throat,
remembering their calling—
breath burning.
Every new beginning:
a borrowed melody;
a spark of recollection

There are many voices
inflected in your own:
every intonation
an echo.
Notes shedding their ashes;
cinders in the throat.
Something long forgotten
now glows.

Published as lyrics for Cindervoice’s Before the Turn LP, 2010.

Poem: “The Passenger” (2010/2020)

Hatred is a dead body
handcuffed to my wrist.
I drag it behind me,
uphill and down.

The face which smears
over rocks and concrete
is the same as the one
I see in the mirror.

The fingers which cut
grooves into the soil
bear my fingerprints;
leave their traces.

The wake I trail behind me
slowly ceases to be red.
The passenger sheds his skin.
I grow still more hollow.

Blank features pass away
as my face grows ever harder.
My back curves from the weight;
the spine is bleached by sun.

By the time the bones remaining
detach and fall away,

there will be nothing left;

nothing left to save;

but an empty shell
dragging empty handcuffs

First published as lyrics for Cindervoice’s Before the Turn LP (2010). / Republished as lyrics for Matthew S. Rosin’s Singing Is Contagious EP (2020).