My second novelette, The Burlwood Chair, is finished.
Now, let’s see about getting this thing out into the world, shall we?
My second novelette, The Burlwood Chair, is finished.
Now, let’s see about getting this thing out into the world, shall we?
Issue #3 of STAND Magazine, which includes my memoir essay “The Dad In the Room,” is now available to order! Order your copy here.
Check out a video preview of the issue below.
I’m very excited to share that my memoir-essay “The Dad In the Room” will soon be published in Issue #3 of STAND Magazine!
My thanks to founder/managing editor Dwayne D. Hayes and his colleagues at STAND for believing in the piece — and for producing such an outstanding periodical for “men who give a damn about being better men.” I highly recommend the magazine.
I’ll post here when Issue #3 is available.
My flash fiction story “Stuck In Quito” is published today by Shotgun Honey! Click through to check it out.
Big thanks to Ron Earl Phillips and the crew at One Eye Press for believing in the story!
The On Being blog just published my guest contribution, “Letter to My Toddler.” This one means a lot to me.
If you love this piece or know someone who can benefit from reading it, please share it. You and they are not alone.
(If you’re not familiar with On Being, it’s an outstanding website and radio show/podcast on religion and spirituality, hosted by Krista Tippett — or, as On Being puts it, “a social enterprise with a radio show at its heart.” Highly recommended.)